Relax, Restore & Lunch
The restorative yoga session will include restorative asanas, breath work and meditation and will run for two hours. The practice will be weaved around a particular theme which you can read more about here.
Restorative yoga activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System which slows down our heart and breathing rate, lowers blood pressure and promotes digestion. This is a fabulous practice for people with busy lives; it helps reduce anxiety, general fatigue and unhelpful physical and emotional holding patterns. We often experience a sense of softening as the body rests and as we un-grip on a physical and emotional level, and this cultivates a sense of spaciousness and ease. We see more clearly, interact with the world differently and feel better.
Come prepared to soften, slow down the brain waves, soothe the nervous system, recharge, boost energy levels, unfold over props, feel supported and held in a comfortable silence, relax deeply, meet new friends, leave rejuvenated and enjoy a good night’s sleep afterwards.
The yoga session will be followed by a delicious vegetarian buffet-style lunch with coffee and cake. Hopefully the sun will shine and we can eat on the terrace outside.
Joyce is a senior yoga teacher who has been teaching for almost 20 years and also runs a Teacher Training in Restorative Yoga. You can read more about Joyce here.
Find out more about this event at https://www.findthebalance.co.uk/yoga/#yoga-restorative