Charcoal Water Filters


One of the most important things we’ve learned is that water is the carrier of life and having clean, energised water is the foundation for good health.

We do everything we can to remove the chlorine, fluoride and other nasties.
This product is available in store at Light Centre Monument. Please contact us to enquire about availability.


Pack of 8 charcoal filters.

Water filters that are so easy to use

Bamboo charcoal is a refreshingly simple and natural way of filtering tap water. Just leave it in a jug filled with tap water and it will slowly filter out impurities such as chlorine and chloramines make your water tastier and free from typical tap water odour.

It has incredible filtering ability comes from its super-porous structure – some may find it hard to believe but 1g of high quality bamboo charcoal has a surface area equivalent of up to 3 tennis courts. It works like a sponge and absorbs impurities into its pores.

Please note: This product is only available in store at Light Centre Monument. Please contact us to enquire about availability.

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