Create your Articles or Special Offers for the Healthy Living ‘Magazine’
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How to contribute to the Healthy Living Magazine
As a contracted Light Centre therapist you can create and submit your Articles / Special Offers online at anytime!
Read below for full instructions on how to do this.
We will alert readers about new articles usually on the 1st Sunday of every month.
The articles that do best are the ones that give something away for free; Advice or Tips or something that the readers can ‘use’ without having to buy anything. We will reject articles that are simply ads for your services, as that is not the purpose of the magazine. Consider running a special offer instead. (See below). An article sharing your knowledge, tips and advice shows that you are an expert in your field and adds value to potential clients.
Ideal Blog Length
For these blogs we highly recommend you only include a short summary with a link to your website to read the full article. We want to encourage readers to ultimately land on your website and to book directly with you! So we recommend keep these posts short to entice people to click to read more!
When choosing an image for your ‘Featured Image’ we highly recommend a landscape orientation image. These display best on the Healthy Living Magazine page as well as on your actual blog post.
Ideal image size should be 2:1 ratio; and we recommend 600 wide x 300 high pixels.
If you don’t have software to crop an image we recommend a free service like
How to create your Article or Special Offer
Step 1: You must have a new Light Centre profile here on in order to access the editor. If you haven’t already registered for a profile you can do that here.
Step 2: Log in to your profile and from the top menu select ‘New‘ and then ‘Post‘.
(Do not use ‘Project’ or ‘Event’ – they will not appear in the HLM)
Step 3: Create your article/summary or Special Offer, giving it a Title, Summary description, Excerpt, Category and Image.
Step 4: Once complete, click the blue ‘Submit for Review’ button on the right. That’s it! We will review your post and once approved it will instantly appear on the HLM page.