
Hey. It’s time to DETOX. Let’s take it seriously!

We are what we…eat, drink, touch, breath….and can’t ELIMINATE!

The human body is a self-healing, self-renewing, self-cleansing organism. When the right conditions are created, vibrant well-being is a natural state.

We have departed from the ways of nature and live under less than natural conditions. The toxicity of our planet is undeniable. The air we breathe, the water we drink and shower with, the foods we eat, the cosmetics we use and the buildings we live and work in, are loaded with toxic chemicals. Most of these chemicals are known neurotoxins, carcinogens, hormone disruptors, respiratory irritants, and alone or in combination cause unpleasant symptoms, premature ageing and serous health conditions like chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, infertility, different skin conditions,  autoimmunity, cancer and many others.  When we remove some of these obstacles, or gently stimulate body’s metabolism, detoxification and elimination process, the body bounce back into health as if by magic.

Even though the liver is considered the primary organ of detoxification, the kidney, skin, lymphatic system, and the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier must not be underestimated. In Chinese medicinal liver is a master organ. The liver constantly filters blood, digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, produces bile and hundreds of other enzymes. It is the liver’s job to help dissect the nutrients available in foods, spread them throughout the body via blood stream and eliminate the toxic waste that’s left behind. When the liver is overwhelmed by the burden of high toxin exposure, this effects body, mind and emotions.

Liver Detoxification Process

The liver detoxifies harmful substances in 2 steps:

Phase 1: uses enzymes and oxygen (the process of oxidation) to partially breakdown fat soluble toxins. The nutrients needed for this process to happen are Glutathione, B group vitamins, and Folic acid.

Phase 2: combines these partially processed toxins with amino acids (conjugation) to make them less harmful and water soluble so they can be removed from the body in watery fluids like bile and urine. Glutathione, Methionine, Cysteine, Vitamins C, B12, Magnesium, Taurine and Choline are required for this process to happen.

Medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps, Sheetake and Maiteke  contain, in various amounts but naturally balanced, all the nutrients needed for phase I and Il liver detoxification. They are good source of B group vitamins, glutathione and ergothioneine, both potent antioxidants offering cellular protection against oxidative stress.

It is extremely important that both stages are in balance and working efficiently. During Phase 1 free radicals (also known as reactive oxygen species) are produced, these partially processed toxins are even more damaging than the original toxins, and if excessive, can cause oxidative damage to liver cells.

When the body is exposed to high amounts of alcohol, smoking, processed foods, or environmental toxins (pesticides, household chemicals, toxic makeup and cosmetics etc), the Phase 2 slows down and then free radicals aren’t eliminated efficiently and can lead
to a damaging toxic build up in the body.

Do you have any of the below listed signs/symptoms?

  • Feeling sluggish, tired and fatigued constantly
  • White or yellow-coated tongue and/or bad breath
  • Weight gain – especially around the abdomen, thick adipose tissue
  • Cravings and/or blood sugar issues
  • Headaches
  • Depression, mood swings, PMS
  • Poor digestion, constipation
  • Feeling nausea after fatty meals
  • Pain in the right side of your stomach
  • Skin breakouts; acne, rashes
  • Water retention, cellulite, oedema

If you experiencing two or more symptoms, your body is struggling with overburdened Liver, your whole detoxification and elimination process is slow and sluggish.

If your body screams for detoxification

I offer two months detoxification plan, truly focussing on the roots of health condition you may have, and provide a full support to lead you to improved and optimal health. That’s include:

Two month Detoxification Plan

90 min nutritional consultation, in clinic or zoom. Personalised diet plan: elimination, anti-inflammatory or detox diet will be discussed during initial consultation. Heavy metal/toxin questionnaire included to identify and remove/reduce toxic exposures.

Eight manual lymphatic drainages, once a week for 8 weeks to help drain fluids & encourage bowel movement as well as full body detoxification and metabolic activation

Medicinal Mushroom* supplements, Milk Thistle or other herbs if needed to help with natural detoxification.

Request free 15min consultation by phone 07972705733, or book online at

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