Kundalini Activation Process | KAP
Your Facilitator
Please message Kristina on Whatsapp +447449545036 or reach out to via Instagram @kr.st.na if you have any questions.
What is this energy transmission?
It’s a 60 minute direct energy transmission in a group of up to 10 people of kundalini energy (life force) and non-dual states of conciousness.
A profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure. Every “symptom” or sign of a kundalini awakening, from the earliest signs to the later end manifestations, are seen regularly in participants.
During the session, you will activate your kundalini energy, the life force energy we all have within us, which will help to release stuck emotions, trauma and limiting beliefs that aren’t serving us. It helps us connect deeper to our true self, body and intuition. So we can show up in life as our highest self and live our lives with more passion, pleasure and fulfilment.
What happens during a session?
To receive and feel the energy all you need to do is lay down on your mat, listen to the music, and surrender. The facilitator works the energy through touching your chakra or meridian points as you simply relax.
What is important to remember kundalini activation transmission is the path of surrender, not the path of will. So all experiences are perfect no matter how they unfold on the mat. You might experience body movements, emotional releases, visions, bliss states, out of body experiences, energetic sensations and more. The energy is intelligent and during this safe and natural process it will always give you what you need, in that exact moment. The key is coming with an open heart & mind, and to surrender to the experience.
However, what happens after the session is what’s the most important. You will leave with a profound unblocking of stuck energies and a deeper connection to your true self and intuition. As things start to shift internally, so will your outside life too.
Benefits of KAP:
– Release of stuck emotions and trauma
– Strengthened intuition
– Opening of the heart
– Clearing of energy centers
– Healing mind, body & soul
– More clarity
– Deep insights and realisations
– Feeling liberated
– Increased inspiration & motivation
– Living life with more passion, pleasure and fulfilment
How to prepare:
– Do not eat food (or eat very light, like a piece of fruit) from 3 hours before
– Do not drink caffeine from 3 hours before
– Wear comfortable clothing; layers are a great choice!
– Yoga mats, cushions & blankets are available
– Bring a water bottle
Please note:
You CANNOT do the session if you are prone to mania, delusions, psychosis or suffer from epilepsy or heart conditions. We also do not recommend the session for pregnant women in 3rd trimester. By purchasing a ticket you confirm that you do not have any of the mentioned.