Relax, Restore & Lunch – Relaxing with awareness
Is it possible to be completely relaxed and aware at the same time; aware of our body and our feelings and yet simply resting in that space? Often we associate being relaxed with zoning out, there is a slight dullness, as if we are trying to numb ourselves. While this form of relaxation undoubtedly provides some relief, perhaps there are more fruitful ways to relax? During the course of the afternoon we will explore what it feels like to be relaxed and alert and the spaciousness of mind which ensues during the practice and beyond.
Restorative yoga activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System which slows down our heart and breathing rate, lowers blood pressure and promotes digestion. We often experience a sense of softening as the body rests and as we ungrip on a physical and emotional level, and this cultivates a sense of spaciousness and ease. We see more clearly, interact with the world differently and create a good internal and external space.
Come prepared to soften, slow down the brain waves, soothe the nervous system, recharge, boost energy levels, unfold over props, feel supported and held in a comfortable silence, relax deeply, meet new friends, leave rejuvenated and enjoy a good night’s sleep afterwards.
The yoga session will run for two hours and will be followed by a delicious vegetarian buffet-style lunch with coffee and cake.