Water is essential to our life, from every cell and tissue to each vital organ, everything in our body requires water to function. But, do you know that a single 1-litre bottle of water can contain 240,000 microscopic plastic particles (Ly. Chen. New Scientist, 08 Jan 2024)?
Apparently, plastics shed particles much like how people shed skin cells. Microplastics can act as carriers, transporting pollutants and pathogens. In laboratory tests, microplastics have been shown to cause damage to human cells, including both allergic reactions and cell death. Nanoplastics are even smaller than microplastics, meaning they may be more likely to penetrate the body’s gut lining, the placenta, and even the blood-brain barrier. These compounds are known as a serious endocrine disrupters and are linked to health issues such as weight gain, insulin resistance, hormonal imbalances and decreased reproductive health, oestrogen-dependent and other cancers.
But that’s not everything. Microplastics are found not only in water bottles. They are found in salt, fish and seafood, fresh fruit and vegetables, and a number of other foods we consume every day. Besides that, we take in plastics by inhaling or ingesting tiny, invisible plastic fibres floating in the air around us, shed by our own clothes, carpets, and upholstery.
In fact, we do live in a multi-particle world, with higher or lower levels of toxic compounds such as dust, pollen, mould, food additives, pesticides, chemicals emitted from household cleaning products, air fresheners, carbon monoxide, and other radioactive gases. That has already become inevitable. But, what is undoubtedly essential and necessary in our modern world is to try to reduce exposure to them, and enhance body’s capacity effectively detoxify and eliminate waste products and toxins.
Detoxification plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Detoxification benefits are endless:
– Removing waste buildup improves the functioning of the digestive system. This can help alleviate issues like bloating, constipation, and indigestion.
– When toxins accumulate in the body, they can slow down various bodily functions and make us feel tired and sluggish. Removal of harmful toxins at the cellular level could improve energy levels, sleep, mental clarity and cognition, decrease joint pain and restore the body’s own natural healing potential.
– Toxins weaken the immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses and infections. By detoxifying the body, the immune system can be strengthened, allowing it to function optimally and fight off potential diseases, viruses and bugs.
– Detoxification may contribute to skin issues like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. This can lead to a clearer and healthier complexion.
– Detoxification can support weight loss by improving metabolism and lymph flow, reducing water retention, and eliminating waste buildup.
Regular exercises, clean diet rich in lean proteins, vegetables, and fiber, proper hydration, stress management is necessary for natural body’s detoxification process to happen. However, that might not be enough if the body’s toxin overload is high. Supporting liver function with certain herbs and supplements is the key for efficient detoxification to happen. The lymphathic system plays a major role in the elimination process at the cellular level. When lymphatic system is sluggish or overloaded, the small lymph capillaries will be less efficient at draining these acidic cellular wastes away to be removed by the body. Consequently, toxins will continue to get reabsorbed into the body.
Also, it is essential to know exactly what type of toxins circulate in the body: heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, environmental pollutants, mould, fungus. Poor elimination of sex hormones, especially oestrogen might be the reason for symptoms similar to toxic overload, like weight gain, headaches, fatigue, PMS, mood swings in women, breast swelling and tenderness in both, men and women, skin problems. Slow detoxification of neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin might be the cause of anxiety, depression, addictions and cravings, fatigue, insomnia, schizophrenia and bipolar, PTSD.
If you feel your health condition or unexplained symptoms might be associated with poor detoxification and elimination of toxins or hormones, book free 15min inquiry call to see whether we can work together to achieve your health goals. Nutrition consultation includes nutrition and detoxification plan, functional tests for mould, heavy metals, hormonal metabolites etc are available to order, if necessary. Testing the genes (hormones, methylation and detoxification) is recommended too. The course of eight lymphatic drainage treatments is included in the plan.
Tel: 07972705733 Email:giedrebab@gmail.com
Websites: https://www.giedrefunctionalnutrition.com https://www.giedreholistictherapies.com